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November 15-18

Service Interruption November 15-18

Westerville Public Library is joining our 17-member Central Ohio library consortium! To merge their collection with the CLC catalog, service will look a little bit different between November 15 – 18.

During this window, you will need your Library card (physical or digital through the DCDL app) to check out materials. We will not be able to look up your library account number at checkout.

SearchOhio will not be available during this transition time, but you will still be able to access OhioLINK. Our online catalog may not correctly identify items that are currently available. You will not be able to place new holds during this window, although you can check out existing holds with your library card. Your account information will also not accurately reflect the items that have been newly checked in or out.


  • What is the Central Library Consortium (CLC)?
  • The Central Library Consortium (CLC) is a group of 17 (soon to be 18!) public libraries based in Central Ohio that share library services and provide a pool of library materials to their cardholders. This means shorter hold periods, faster access, and a family of libraries within driving distance where your DCDL card is honored.
  • Does this mean I’ll be able to borrow items from Westerville? If so, when will Westerville officially be part of the CLC?
  • Yes! Westerville’s 400,000+ item collection will be added to the catalog, and available to all DCDL patrons starting on November 18. Borrowing items from Westerville will be as seamless as getting a book from any other CLC location — simply place a hold, and we’ll let you know when it’s arrived!
  • Do I have to get a Westerville library card?
  • No! Westerville Public Library will honor your DCDL card. You can use it to borrow materials from any CLC library.
  • What happens if my items are due between November 15-18? 
  • No items will be due during the downtime, and hold shelf pickup dates will be extended.
  • Can I put an item on hold during this time? 
  • No, but you can resume placing additional holds on November 18. Existing hold items can be checked out with your library card.
  • Why do I need my library card to check out during this time? 
  • The catalog/inventory system will essentially be frozen during this window as we add Westerville’s collection. We will not be able to look up your account, so it’s important that you have your card number if you want to check out materials during this time. If you haven’t already done so, it’s a great time to download our new and improved app so you’ll have your card right on your phone!
  • The app has a self-check system. Can I use that to check out materials during this time?
  • No, please bring your materials to the circulation desk so we can check out your materials for you during the service interruption.
  • Who should I contact if I have a question?
  • All DCDL staff are ready to help you during this time. Email or call the Delaware Branch Library at 740-362-3861 for immediate assistance.

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