Research Resources
A to Z Maps Online
World maps, continent maps, country maps, state maps, and more. Includes political, physical, outline, historical, and thematic maps for viewing, printing, or downloading.
ABCmouse Home Access for Libraries
Designed by experts in early childhood education, the curriculum encompasses reading, math, science, social studies, art, and music.
Inside the Library: Click this link, and enjoy!
Outside of the Library: Click on the “Use this Resource” link, then enter your DCDL library card number and PIN to get started with remote access.
Information about books and authors.
Academic Search Premier
Articles from thousands of scholarly journals in a diverse range of subject areas.
Acceda Noticias (Access News)
To help serve Spanish speakers as well as those learning the language, NewsBank offers Acceda Noticias, a Web-based collection of Spanish-language news. Includes more than 90 Spanish-language news sources from major cities in the United States and around the world. Features content written in Spanish.
Access World News from NewsBank
Explore and stay informed on local, national and international topics, people and events with information from credible, vetted U.S. and global news sources, including Ohio newspapers.
African American Heritage
Search records, books, serials, and other historical records specific to African Americans to trace your genealogy or to do research.
American and English Literature Collection
Works of poetry, drama, and prose from the 16th through 20th centuries, including the complete text of poems, plays, prose, Shakespearean works, and 21 editions of the Bible.
Ancestry Library Edition
(in-library use only) Delivers billions of records in census data, vital records, directories, photos, and more from countries all over the world. Learn How To Use This Resource.
Banco de Contenidos aulaPlaneta (World Book Spanish)
Encuentra las respuestas en más de 170.000 recursos! Like its English version, Spanish edition World Book provides reliable information for homework, reports, or research.
Biography Reference Source
Biographical coverage of over 750,000 notable individuals, including in-depth, original profiles, full-text articles, and images.
Booklist Online
Booklist Reader is Booklist’s new library patron–facing magazine, featuring diverse readers’ advisory recommendations, in print and on audio, for readers of all ages. Each month, the Booklist Reader is filled with high-interest lists that showcase books patrons can read and check out now.
Brainfuse Adult Learning Center
Adult Learning Center is the adult learners’ version of HelpNow where patrons access GED prep, U.S citizenship test prep, resume assistance, Microsoft Office support, and Career Resources, which lists popular job search links. Microsoft Office support allows patrons to ask questions about Excel, Word and PowerPoint. The Writing Lab, Send Question Center and the Skills Building are also included in the Adult Learning Center suite. Learn about this resource.
Brainfuse HelpNow
HelpNow is a unique tutoring and studying suite designed to assist patrons of all ages succeed. Patrons access real-time assistance through the intuitive Brainfuse online classroom daily between 2 p.m. and 11 p.m. Tutors are trained to help users master a problem’s underlying academic concept. Tutoring services are also offered in Spanish. Learn about this resource.
Business Insights: Global
Information on international business and trade including detailed company and industry profiles, reports, company histories, case studies, journal articles, and business news.
Business Source Premier
Information from business publications, including articles on marketing, management, accounting and more. Also included are company profiles, industry, and marketing reports and financial data. Learn How To Use This Resource
Chilton Library
Fix your car, truck, van, or SUV with these diagnostics, maintenance schedules, wiring diagrams, and step-by-step repair procedures.
Columbus Dispatch 1871-1985
Searchable back issues of the Columbus Dispatch from 1871 – 1985. Provided by NewsBank.
Columbus Dispatch 1985 – Current
Searchable back issues of the Columbus Dispatch 1985-present.
Consumer Health Complete
Provides convenient access to easily understandable health and medical information. Consumers can search and browse within medical encyclopedias, reference books, and magazine articles.
Consumer Reports Online
A comprehensive archive of expert, unbiased product reviews. Includes buying advice, product ratings, reviews, recommendations, and money-saving tips. Learn How To Use This Resource.
An inspirational resource for crafters and makers, featuring arts and crafts video classes taught by experts.
Offers detailed cultural reports, images, maps, and statistics for over 200 nations as well as every U.S. state and Canadian province. Includes Kids Edition for young explorers.
Cypress Resume
Online resume builder that lets you create a professional-quality resume in three quick and simple steps. Eliminate the difficult work of composing and formatting your resume. Learn How To Use This Resource.
Delaware County Memory
An ongoing digitization project offering online access to local historical documents, records, photographs, and publications.
Digital Public Library of America
The Digital Public Library of America empowers people to learn, grow, and contribute to a diverse and better-functioning society by maximizing access to our shared history, culture, and knowledge.
Ohio-specific driver’s license practice tests and manuals for cars, motorcycles, and CDL. Prepare for the written examination required to obtain your Ohio driver’s license.
Explora Primary
Information about popular and timely topics geared toward younger students. A trustworthy resource to find grade-appropriate articles and facts for reports, class projects, and homework.
Explora Public Libraries
An easy-to-use tool designed to help students complete research and classroom assignments. Reliable information from thousands of sources covering a wide range of subjects. Learn How To Use This Resource.
Explora Secondary
Information about popular and timely topics geared toward older students. A trustworthy resource to find grade-appropriate articles and facts for reports, class projects, and homework.
Family Search
(Registration required) Free family history and genealogy records from over 100 countries, tools for organizing and sharing family history, research assistance and guidance.
Fold3 Library Edition
Online access to millions of U.S. military records, including the stories, photos, and personal documents of the men and women who served.
Gale Business: Entrepreneurship
Covers all major areas of starting and operating a business: financing, management, marketing, human resources, franchising, accounting, taxes and more.
Gale Virtual Reference Library
Electronic versions of trusted, authoritative reference books on a wide variety of subjects. Accessible 24/7 from any Internet-connected computer. Search and browse individual titles or the entire collection. Learn How To Use This Resource.
Got Resume Builder
Build a job-winning resume in three easy steps. Create content with a step-by-step writing guide. Format with selected design templates and fonts. Download and email in multiple formats.
Heritage Quest
Digital, searchable images of U.S. federal census records as well as other genealogy, local history, and family history content dating back to the 1700s.
Obituaries and death notices for genealogical research from thousands of U.S. newspapers from 1704 to today.
Hobbies & Crafts Source
Find “how-to” instructions and creative ideas to meet the interests of virtually every hobby enthusiast.
Home Improvement Source
Home Improvement Source features full-text content from leading home improvement magazines, images not found anywhere else online and videos of popular home repair projects.
An extensive collection of free legal forms, including government, business, personal, real estate and general forms covering hundreds of legal subjects and issues. Learn How To Use This Resource
LinkedIn Learning for Library (formerly
LinkedIn Learning for Library provides unlimited access to content and more, over 16,000 courses in all. Find quick tutorials as well as comprehensive courses to improve your software, business, and creative skills.
Literary Reference Source
Information on authors and their works across time periods, cultures, and literary disciplines. Content includes plot summaries and literary criticism, and beyond.
MasterFILE Premier
Delivers articles from thousands of magazines and newspapers, most of them full text, ranging from popular magazines to professional research journals.
Merck Manual Online
Find up-to-date, detailed information about medical topics, health concerns, symptoms, and medications. Choose either the Consumer or Professional version.
Mid-Ohio Genealogy Database
Based on the 78-volume Genealogical Index of Delaware and Union Counties, commonly known as the Bouic Index, this unique resource, compiled by Margaret Main Bouic, indexes many records for persons living in the area from its beginnings to about the 1990s.
Morningstar Investing Center
A premium investment research tool offering accurate, timely data and analysis for stocks, funds, industries, and markets. Learn How To Use This Resource.
National Geographic Archive
The complete, fully searchable archive of National Geographic magazine from 1888-2015: Every page of every issue, including photographs and images.
New York Times Online
Unlimited access to New York Times content 1851 to present.
Inside the Library: Click on the link, then sign up for a free account or log in if you already have one to enjoy unlimited access to
Outside of the Library: Click on the link, then enter your DCDL library card number to receive a code that gives you 72 hours of access to Once there, sign up for a free account or log in if you already have one. After your access expires, simply follow the above link again to redeem another code and enjoy renewed access.
Niche Academy
Immediately accessible training with ready-to-use tutorials for everyday library products and research sites.
Northstar Digital Literacy
Northstar Digital Literacy offers online assessments to measure individuals’ essential computer, software, and technology skills as well as self-guided lessons to help them develop their skills.
NoveList K-8 Plus
Fiction and nonfiction book recommendations specifically for younger readers. Find read-alikes, browse genres, and discover new favorites.
NoveList Plus
Answers the question: What should I read next? Read reviews, explore genres, get recommendations based on your reading interests, find author, title, and series read-alikes, and discover new favorites. Learn How To Use This Resource.
Ohio Legal Help
A resource for finding legal information and forms related to common civil legal issues in Ohio.
Ohio Means Jobs
Ohio Means Jobs is Ohio’s gateway to job opportunities, career exploration, skills assessment, and test preparation. Access Learning Express to practice tutorials in career and college prep.
Ohio Memory
Ohio Memory is the collaborative statewide digital library program of the Ohio History Connection and the State Library of Ohio. Explore digital content from over 390 cultural heritage institutions representing all 88 of Ohio’s counties covering a wide range of topics from prehistory to present day. Primary and secondary sources include photographs, maps, art, journals, artifacts, news, audio and video.
Ohio Revised Code
Browse the codified laws of Ohio by title and chapter, or search by keyword/phrase.
OWU Special Collections “Our Shared History”
This collection presents in imagery and text the deeply intertwined history of the City of Delaware, the Methodist Episcopal Church, and Ohio Wesleyan University up to 1900.
OWU Special Collections “The Branch Rickey Collection”
The images and text in this digital collection explore the multitude of contributions Branch Rickey made to Ohio Wesleyan University during their 65-year relationship.
Oxford Research Encyclopedias
Reference content in humanities, social sciences, and science.
P4A Prices for Antiques
Learn about and find the value of antiques, collectibles, and fine and decorative arts. See prices from auction houses, along with full-color images, to help you estimate the value of your treasures.
Points of View Reference Source
Discover multiple sides of today’s most controversial scientific, social, economic, and political issues. Learn an issue’s background, points, counterpoints, and critical analysis.
Reference Solutions (formerly ReferenceUSA)
Directory of millions of U.S. businesses, Canadian businesses, U.S. residential listings and more. Learn How To Use This Resource.
Sanborn Insurance Maps
Over 40,000 detailed maps of Ohio cities drawn between 1882 and 1962, originally created for assessing fire insurance liability. See how your town has changed over time.
Science Reference Source
Your go-to resource for biology, chemistry, earth & space science, environmental science, health & medicine, life science, physics, technology, wildlife and more.
Slavery in America and the World: History, Culture & Law
(in-library use only) All known legal materials on slavery in the United States and the English-speaking world, as well as materials on free African-Americans in the colonies and the U.S. before 1870.
Small Business Source
Offers exclusive full text for many top consumer small business reference books, as well as tools to address many small business topics. Includes business videos, a help and advice section and details on how to create business plans.
Value Line Research Center
Value Line offers reliable information and expert analysis to help investors make better decisions.
Very Short Introductions
An excellent way to get a quick authoritative and accessible overview of a subject.
Wall Street Journal
What Tree Is It?
Ohio tree identification guide.
What’s That Snake?
Ohio snake identification guide
What’s the Point?
Identifying flint artifacts.
World Book Online
Featuring different interfaces geared toward specific age ranges and abilities, from the youngest learners to adults, World Book provides reliable information for homework, reports, or research.
Mission Statement
We open doors to imagination, knowledge, connection, and discovery.