Community Meeting & Study Rooms
Study Rooms
Small group study rooms are available at Delaware, Liberty, Orange and Ostrander branch libraries for individual study or work in small groups. All study rooms may be reserved in advance online, or through a staff member at each branch. Study rooms may be reserved up to 90 days in advance, in 30-minute to 3-hour blocks, with a maximum of 14 reservations per patron, per month. Reservations are canceled 15 minutes after a no-show. A library card and acceptance of the Study Room Use policy is required to place a study room reservation request.
Community Rooms
Community rooms at the Delaware, Liberty, Orange and Ostrander libraries are available for non-profit, for-profit, civic, cultural or educational groups or organizations when the room is not being used for library-related activities and programs. Use of the rooms for financial gain is prohibited. This includes marketing or selling goods or services, fundraising, and accepting donations. DCDL community rooms can accommodate groups ranging in size from 30 to 75.
All meeting rooms must be reserved in advance online, or through a staff member at each branch. Requests may be made at least five (5) days, but no more than 45 days, prior to the meeting date. A maximum of 14 meeting room requests total may be made annually. A library card and acceptance of the Community Room Use policy is required to place a community room reservation request. Following the application process, you will receive a confirmation by email verifying the date, time and acceptance or denial of your request.
Reserve a Study or Community Room
Policies and Reservation Management
Keep track of all your room reservations in one easy-to-use location. Confirm or cancel your reservations with your library card number and PIN, or by using your room reservation reference number.
Mission Statement
We open doors to imagination, knowledge, connection, and discovery.